Are You Happy?
I was asked the other day if I was happy. Odd question, I thought as I quickly responded that of course I was happy. Interestingly enough...
The Power of Fear
The very definition of fear is vague and can encompass many faces. Of course we are all afraid of the threat of harm to varying degrees,...
If I Only Knew Then . . .
I love analogies. They are silly and fun, and oh so profound. They are the material that I swore I would never use, but eventually I stop...
When Values Are No Longer Valuable
I love writing about real lives. I enjoy watching and interacting with people that challenge me. I am passionate about things that make...
Yes Virgina, There Really is a Santa
It is December, there is a bit of snow on the ground and a chill in the air. I can hear Christmas carols almost everywhere I go. Lights,...
All I Want for Christmas!
We all have watched the “Hallmark Moment” movies portraying pajama clad children surrounded by mounds of gifts on Christmas morning. They...
One Final Breath
I love writing about everyday people doing everyday life. Being a casual observer often affords me the opportunity to pause and watch,...
Blackberry Lemonade
I love being an author. With that being said, I often am asked, why do you write Memoir pieces? Hmmmmmmm, I usually answer with some...
I Rang the Bell
Today is a blue sky sunny kind of day. It is the type of day that usually makes you happy. The sun feels warm as I ride in the car. There...
Each morning I stand before the mirror readying myself for the day. I am always a bit behind schedule, rushing through each process...